Saturday, February 22, 2025

Apps Start With An Idea – Then What ?

Hey guys (and gals),

It all starts with an idea. Do you have an idea for an app? If you do, great. If you don’t, great. LOL. Here’s what I mean by that. If you want to get started in app marketing and development you don’t need to have a super new idea to get into the game of  the app world. As a matter of fact, I recommend that you don’t try to create something new and spectacular, at least at first.

The quickest way to get started in the app world is to “re-skin” an app. Reskining an app means that you take an existing app, change the photos, background, title and what-not, and make it your own.

Let’s take the infamous Angry Birds (AB) as an example. No one can argue with the success of AB but what if, just what if you changed the AB characters in to something that people could relate to ? What if, instead of launching little birds in the air, you catapulted politicians or lawyers into various structures such as brick walls or chicken coops full of ….sh!t? ? Could people get in to that? Heck yes! LOL!

That, my friend, is one way to  re-skin an app.  Take an existing idea and make it better or different or unique or more appealing or more fun or less buggy or more relevant or up to date or for a different genre of people or different anything and you could have a hit !

Think of your favorite app. What would you change?

For more on app development click this link.

Keep on plugging away,



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