Saturday, February 22, 2025

Choosing Cheap Reseller Web Hosting

If you are building a new website or looking for a new web host for a website you have already built, you have probably been doing some searching for an inexpensive, reliable hosting package. Chances are, you have done a few internet searches and visited one or two of the hosting provider comparison websites. But, have you considered selecting a cheap reseller web hosting package?

Some people are leery of using reseller web hosts. This is often because many resellers often disguise the fact that they are resellers (due to some people’s reluctance to use resellers). It may also be because some people are not comfortable with the idea of purchasing web hosting from an individual person who is simply selling his extra disk space and bandwidth.

There is actually no legitimate reason to be distrustful and skeptical of reseller web hosts. Reseller web hosting involves purchasing disk space or servers and then dividing that into smaller sections (or accounts) to sell as hosting packages.

This is what even the large hosting companies do, isn’t it? Big companies with thousands of servers are doing the exact same thing as smaller reseller web hosts that may have only one server or a certain amount of disk space to sell. So, perhaps it isn’t fair to feel doubtful and wary of the small reseller just because his business is small.

Choosing cheap reseller web hosting for your website may, in fact, be a very wise move. Some of the large website hosting companies have grown so large that they have become quite impersonal. It may be difficult to get assistance from these companies if it is needed. This can affect the success of your website if, for example, you are unable to resolve an issue with your shopping cart and customers are unable to check out with their purchases.

On the other hand, resellers typically have fewer clients than the web hosting company whose services they resell; therefore, they are usually able to provide a superior level of support to clients. This often personalized level of support may not be evident until you need it, but you will certainly appreciate it when it becomes necessary.

Another benefit of choosing a reseller web host is the money it can save you. While many larger web hosts do offer specials from time to time, resellers can almost always beat those prices. And, the lower prices charged by resellers are their regular, everyday prices–not discounts that will only last for your first three or six months of hosting.

Also, because resellers receive a large discount from the hosting company whose services they resell, they are often able to provide clients with more services than their hosting company could provide…and at a lower price!

When selecting a reseller web hosting package, it is best to do some research. Look at customer reviews of the reseller and don’t be afraid to ask questions. This will allow you to choose the best reseller host for you.